Women's Replica Goyard Artois Goyardine Canvas & Chevroches Calf Leather Zipped Top Medium Yellow Tote Bag USA
This replica Goyard Artois tote bag is crafted with Goyard's signature hand-painted chevron pattern. The Artois is another tote bag, but with reinforced leather trim to make it more sturdy enough to stand on its own. Besides, the Artois Medium is a homage to the iconic Saint Louis bag, with a structured design with an added focus on security and privacy, thanks to its leather corners and zip closure.
Availability: In stock
Color | Yellow |
Handbag Exterior | Tote bag in yellow goyardine canvas printed with chevron pattern and two top handles |
Gender | Women's |
Material | polyurethane & leather |
Style | British Style |
Handbag Closure | Zip Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W30XH24XD14(cm) |
Handbag Interior | One compartment |
Handbag Size | Medium |
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